Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cause and Effect Website

I found the Cause and Effect Website very useful. Although it reviewed Inductive reasoning and Casual Arguments, which we have already read about, it personally helped me comprehend the dynamics of the two. It gives an example about who is to blame for the an accident; a bicyclist who swerved into the traffic lane to maneuver over a parked car, or the car that slammed on it’s breaks to avoid hitting the bicyclist, which the following the car hits due to sudden braking. Because this argument deals with causation, the reading describes the two rules of dealing with causation: 1) “The cause must precede the event in time” and 2) “Even a strong correlation is insufficient to prove causation.” A strong correlation can be faulty because coincidences and reversed causation are still possibilities. These two rules are vital when critically thinking, because there are many variations that are possible, which can alter the situation dramatically. If there is not a fully comprehension of the situation that deals with causation, it is impossible to make an accurate decision. That is why in the example provided on the website, the case that involved bicyclist and the car that had to slam on its breaks had to go to court in order to see who was to blame.


  1. I think everyone found that the cause and effect website was useful. It did review things that we have gone through, but I think it was still useful because on the website, it explained better than the book. I think that the book is sometimes confusing. Therefore, it is a good thing that it reviews things that we have gone through because it helped me understand the concepts better. The example they had online was a good example. I really do not know whom to blame if I were in that situation. If I had to choose, I say it was the bicyclists fault because if their lane was blocked, go on the sidewalk. Going into a car lane just makes it harder for the driver to drive because that is how I feel. When there is a person riding a bike in my lane, I feel like I am going to hit them with my car! They need to get out of my lane. I am just saying. Overall, you did a good job on the posting this week.

  2. Hi Emoolee! Yes, the cause and effect was useful because it gave us more information on cause and effect. It just furthered the definition and explanation. The example that it gave about the bicyclist and the cars causing an accident made it a little bit easier for me to understand cause and effect. I also talked about the two rules when dealing with causation in my post. I thought those rules were useful because it is important for us to know those rules when dealing with daily life situations. Thanks to this website I did not know before that causation was likely to occur in the real world.

  3. Just like Aria said above in the first comment, I feel like every one in class thought that the cause and effect website was very useful. The website was very useful to me because it served as an extra piece of research provided to us in addition to the Epstein text. Having two sources will give you a better understanding on a topic regardless of what the topic is. Also the website explained cause and effect better than the book did in my opinion. With all of the exercises, definitions, and quizzes, we were able to get a well rounded understanding of the topic.
