Thursday, December 9, 2010

Interesting Concept

A concept from this semester that I found useful and interesting was about Loaded Questions. The definition of a loaded question is “a question that conceals a dubious claim that should be argued for rather than assumed.” To ask a loaded question is to ask a question almost offensively; to the point where the recipient of the question does not know how to respond. An example of a loaded question would be “Are you going to stop smoking before it kills you?” or “When are you going to start listening to me?” I found this interesting because I believe our society both asks loaded questions and uses them in advertisements frequently. When asking a question, the person feels obligated and pressured into answering the question in order to please the person who is asking it, instead of being genuine and truthful. In conclusion, asking loaded questions may lead us to hear what we want to hear; however, it may be an untruthful statement.


  1. I think that the concept of loaded question is definitely interesting. People used loaded question to distract the other side. Sometime the loaded questions may sound reasonable, but the true is that these kind of questions are full of dubious claims and accusation. The two examples that you have stated above are perfect. The first one about smoking might seem reasonable, but how can anyone knows for sure that the cigarette will kill the smoker. The second example is full of accusation. So, I think that this is an interesting concept.

  2. Hi Emoolee! Your blog was enjoyable to read and I think the loaded question concept is interesting! I think loaded questions are onyl appropriate in certain situations like if your are doing and intervention on someone to stop drinking too much alcohol. like " Are you going to stop drinking alcohol before it kills you?" But the loaded question concept can sometimes be inappropriate and rude when talking normally in daily life. I wrote about the appeal to emotion concept because it is so often used by people in daily lives. Such as politicians use "appeal to fear" when trying to get people to vote for them.
