Saturday, October 23, 2010

Chapter 8

In reading Chapter 8, I learned much about how important certain wording is in a conversation and when making a claim. It also taught me how to raise my awareness to this facts when someone is making a claim at me as well. The first word that can communicate the wrong message is the word “all.” According to it’s definition,  “All means ‘Every single one, no exceptions.’ Sometimes all is meant as ‘Every single one, and there is at least one.’ Which reading is best may depend on the argument.” Many people misuse “all” and use it frequently in daily conversations. Another word that has a vague meaning is “some.” “Some means ‘At least one.’ Sometimes some is meant as ‘At least one, but not all.’” People oftentimes people say “some” and really have no idea what quantity they are actually referring to. It is important to communicate exactly what amount and quantity when trying to make a valid claim.

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