Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Page 195, #3


I chose to find an advertisement that uses appeal to fear. I believe this is a good argument because the advertisement is advertising the dangers of meth, which is a beneficial message to the community. Many times the dangers of meth are overlooked; however, meth is one of the leading causes in teenage deaths in America. In the advertisement, the two girls look unappealing with greasy hair and dark eyes, which plays into the fear factor. The advertisement also communicates clearly that just from sharing a needle, you can contract a deadly disease. One of the factors that I feel contributes a large portion of the fear factor is the white text box that reads “Meth. Not even once.” It makes clear that even if you try meth just once, you have a high chance in contracting a disease and turning your world upside down. With advertisements like these, I feel they communicate an important message that makes an impact.


  1. Good choice of advertisement Emoolee. Any advertisement that sends a moral message to benefit ourselves by preventing people from doing certain thing (like drugs) I believe comes out to be a good argument. I agree that this is an appeal to fear. Anti-drug companies usually use the emotion of fear to convince their audiences. The advertisement does try to scare the audience from not doing meth and not sharing needles. It attempts to convince the audience that it is scaring to take meth due to the causes that it can do to you like turning you and your world into a mess and catching a disease like HIV.

  2. Very scary advertisement. Teenage girls often times get into this sisterhood phase where they try to share EVERYTHING. I have a younger sister that is a teenager now so i definitely have personal experience knowing about that. People think that sharing is caring. But it can become much more than that. While its nice to share and nice to be generous with your things, bad things can come from it. One of my good friends got mono from someone. We believe she got it from one of her other friends by sharing drinks. She would always drink off her friends without any disregard for germs. Things like this need to be taken more serious by everyone.
