Friday, November 19, 2010

Interesting Concept

An interesting concept I read from this weeks lesson was Reversing Cause and Effect. Reversing Cause and Effect is one of the two way ones can mistake in evaluating a claim. To reverse cause and effect, one mistakenly believes that a cause caused the effect, but really there is no evidence or good reason to believe so. For example, take the tale “An apple a day keeps the doctor away, that’s why I’m never sick.” This is a well known phrase, and the underlying message is if you eat one apple a day, you will be healthy and will not become sick. However, there is no good reason to believe this is true. Of course, eating an apple a day is good for your diet and will benefit your health, but eating an apple will not fight off all of the infection and/or bacteria that one can inherit from another person who is sick. They are most likely never sick because they eat a well balanced diet in general, which as result helped their immune system strengthen, which is most likely why they are never sick.

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